Monday, May 26, 2008

queerer Melbourne CBD?

I am compiling a database of queerer places in the city. They are covering a whole range of place ans space types. Some are based on historical events or people, others are of bars and cafes, specialty shops and I also want other sites that just feel queer. No I guess then don't feel super straight.
The cards are an application of the Toolkit of the Melbourne CBD which is one of the queerer nodes in Melbourne. The cards are a permanent design about space, creating space.
I am considered compiling these cards as a thick and handy resource for queers. This is a project which will progress through out the year.

Does anyone know of any places in the city worth mentioning? Anything for places to spray street art, a safer space, a little anarchist Zine Shop or the location of Joy(I already know this but you get the jist!)

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